Thursday, July 23, 2015

Throwback Thursday: More Disneyland Memories

My Throwback Thursday is carrying over from last week's theme that dominated social media. Well, it did in my world. Disclaimer: I did not take any of these pictures, and found them on Kevin Kidney's blog. (PS: I not only love Kevin's blog, but his and Jody Daily's contribution to Disney.)

So, my #tbt is about a fond Disneyland memory. Whenever we went to Disneyland, I had to go to Welch's Juice Bar. No, I didn't have a deep love for grape juice that later would turn into a love for wine (total lie), but it was more about my love of Fantasia.

I can still picture in my mind the location of the Juice Bar and remembering being fascinated by the globes of juice that sprayed the purple liquid on the inside of the spheres. But what caught my attention even more was looking at the back wall behind the Cast Members

I was so sad when the new Fantasyland didn't include a nod to one of favorite animated features. I often wonder what happened to that artwork, and who the lucky person is who owns that artwork, if they were able to save it. Click on the image below to see a larger version of it.

The picture below was taken by Loren Javier, and it's of the Fantasyland Grape Juice Bar mural by Mark Seppala at the Disney Gallery, taken in 2011. Looks like it sold for $3,000. 

 Obviously the juice bar is gone, but it will stay alive in my Disneyland memories!

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