Welcome to Timon's Blog! I hope you enjoy my stories. Click on the pictures to see larger versions of them. Hakuna Matata!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
He's Baaack!
But I've been back on the road, and my dear friend reminded me that I should probably post something and get back up to speed. So, to recap my trip so far:
My flight delayed in Minneapolis on Sunday for almost an hour.
I ran through the Memphis Airport to make my connecting flight.
I missed my flight by 2 minutes.
Then I fought with Northwest because I wouldn't arrived until after 3:00 PM the next day.
National Car Rental told me it would cost over $1000 to rent a car one way. (Are they insane? I had rented a car for the rest of the week for less than $200; I was just asking for an extra day and a different city.)
I drove 5 1/2 hours Sunday night/Monday morning from Memphis, TN to Monroe, LA (through Mississippi) with two complete strangers who also missed our flight. There were about nine of us who missed the same flight, and normally I wouldn't pick up strangers. But the lady was a teacher and the gentleman was a student at the university, so I figured I could trust them.
We get to my hotel by 2:00 AM. (Didn't use National of course, but Hertz, who got us a car for $250) I had to drop off the rental car at the airport, which is probably 1/8 of a mile from my hotel. The cab ride back to the hotel cost $10. I think I'm in the wrong business.
Woke up four hours later to set up for training, which is being held at my hotel, with no computers with 8 students and nobody from my customer's training department here to tell me what's going on.
After we pulled together some laptops, we finished training on the first day, but then today, the Courtyard had given our room away, because they canceled the wrong reservation. We had to go to the Residence Inn to find an conference room we could use.
Honestly, I don't make up these stories.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The only thing worse than having a car full of ants? Having a car full of Ants.
Friday, August 10, 2007
A Podcast Worth Listening To (End in a Preposition)

Thursday, August 9, 2007
Finally Finished! (No Spoiler)
Monday, August 6, 2007
Open for Business

Thankfully my shirt was untucked and that I wasn't going commando.
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Everything's Okay Here
But our thoughts and prayers go out to the families and those affected by the tragedy. For the grace of God, it could have been someone dear to me.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
That's What It's All About
Imagine my surprise and thrill when I found out one of my favorite indulgences was just around the corner from my hotel!
And in case you need ideas for Christmas gifts for me:
Monday, July 23, 2007
You're Such a Teaz!
With little pieces of tissue all over my face and feeling like a teenager again, I started driving to my customer's site for our day of training.
Chico is a university town, but instead of me showing you nice scenes and pictures of the huge graveyard downtown, I once again am obsessed with the signs I see.
The first one is just outside of my Courtyard hotel, but I can promise you that it doesn't reflect the inside of my room.
Then after our day of training, my customer wanted to take me out to dinner. She took me to some swanky hotel restaurant which dates back to 1901. It was a nice atmosphere and delicious food, but another restaurant we passed caught my eye as we drove by it.
I don't think it would have been appropriate for me to answer her question of "What would you like for dinner?" by answering this place.Sunday, July 22, 2007
Almost Paradise
Finally! The Wait is Over!
No, I'm talking about the 7th and final installment of the Harry Potter series: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows! After I was finished with my chores, I went to Barnes & Noble to pick up my copy.

Thankfully, I have a 3 1/2 hour flight to and from Sacramento this week, so I should be in a good spot for the race we're having in the office of who finishes the book so we can talk about it. I'm doing my best not to read anything on the web or listen to the news, because I don't want there to be a spoiler for me!
I'll let you know when I'm finished so we can talk about the book!
Saturday, July 21, 2007
With A Flair

UPDATE: They called at 8:30 AM to say they found my bag and to see if I was home to deliver my luggage. It didn't show up until 12:30 PM. At least it came home ready for my trip tomorrow!
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Plus Qu'il N'en Faut?
Pictures that is. I figured that since this is my last night in Woodstock, Ontario (not the one with lots of pot and debauchery), I'd show you where I spent four weeks of my life with some wacky stories.
So, here we go! Let's explore Woodstock!

The Woodstock Peace Lighthouse. Yes, there's a lighthouse hundreds of kilometres away from water. It houses an original stone from the home of St. Peter in Galilee as well as a collection of ancient maps from the holy land. Imagine that!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Which One Is It?

Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Oh, and today was the first day they've had rain here since April, hence the raindrops you see from my windshield.
Happy 52nd!

Monday, July 16, 2007
Where's Scott?
First, and always with these flights, there were delays. Not bad ones, but the one from Detroit to Kitchener was due to them waiting for a mechanic to fly up with us to repair a plane. So they rolled back the jet bridge and opened the plane door again.
After 15 minutes, they said they didn't need to wait for the mechanic any more, so we'd take off soon. The power went off and we sat in the dark, so the pilot asked to have the jet bridge rolled back so we could take off, but the gate agent had left.
The pilot came on the speaker to tell us that since we were already delayed, they were taking care of getting the other flights out "on time" so that they could say they have a good on-time record. So we know the games the airlines play.
After an hour delay, we took off and made it back to Kitchener. I was looking forward to seeing Scott, my Customs "buddy" since I had my papers in hand in anticipation as to what I was doing in Canada for business.
Imagine my surprise to find two other agents at the Customs windows and not Scott. (And no, they weren't Canadian Mounties)

To top it all off, he asked the purpose of my visit and the name of my company and that was it! No issues whatsoever!
I went to get my rental car, and the National Car lady who has helped me three of my four visits now knew me by name as well. A business man who was on my flight asked where the Avis person was, and she said she hadn't seen him all night. She didn't have a phone number for him, and neither did the business man.
So, while Catherine (we're on a first-name basis now) and I finished my paperwork, the business guy, whose name was Dave, asked his options. It was either sleep at the airport or call a cab. Since I went through the same thing two visits ago, I asked where he was staying. As it turns out, it was at a Holiday Inn that I passed on the way the 401 anyway.
While I don't condone giving rides to strangers, he looked trust-worthy and the sermon at church that morning was about the Good Samaritan, so I offered to drop him off. He thanked me, I dropped him off, and on I went to Woodstock. I hope that my last week here will be problem free!
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Don't Take This Tip Literally

Friday, July 13, 2007
I've Looked at Clouds from Both Sides Now
As the six passengers and three flight crew took off in our prop jet, it was even more spectacular. This picture doesn't do it justice, but as we flew through the clouds, I felt like Aladdin and Jasmine on their Magic Carpet ride. And later, my cab driver's name was Abu. Hee hee.
Then on the connecting flight home through Detroit, it wasn't the man wearing a Finding Nemo bowtie that made me laugh. Seriously, dude. Even I wouldn't wear that! Nor was I concerned about the man who was being extradited from Michigan to Minnesota. Two Customs officers lead him on the plane first before the rest of us were allowed to board, and two greeted him when we deplaned, and of course he sat two rows in front of me. It wasn't even the little old lady sitting next to me, who insisted on turning on my light to read. That's like the second or third time that's happened. Was that what entertained me?
Nope. Rather, it was the Yenta with the three carat ring and her foot in a removable cast sitting in the row in front of me where I could see her that would be the source of my laughter this trip. By the way, she had her bare foot resting on the airplane blanket some of you may like to cuddle up in. I've seen that one a few times and a lot worse, so don't ever use the blankets or pillows on the plane. It's a germ-fest.
Anyway, back to my Yenta. She purchased two Sky Vodkas from the flight attendant, who didn't have her change for her, but promised he'd be back with her $8.00. She began to shmaltz it up, having tipped back a few prior to the flight I'm sure.
A little while later, she's waving to a business man in a tie who was standing in the aisle talking to his friend. The Yenta ways her arms in the air and cries, "Oy! Bubbee! Come here!" The guy points to himself and mouths, "Who? Me?" and she says yes. He comes over and she says, "Oy, you owe me my gelt!" The guy says, "Not me. I don't owe you anything lady." She looks at him as says, "You're not the flight attendant?"
Turns out Friday the 13th was okay after all.
To Infinity...Or Just Cars?
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
To Coin a Phrase
And notice the value of those two coins. Yep. That says $25 Canadian Dollars.

Up to 22 million 25-cent wheelchair curling coins enter into circulation on July 11, 2007 and will be available exclusively at RBC Royal Bank and participating Petro-Canada outlets. RBC Royal Bank is a Premier National Partner and Petro-Canada is a National Partner of the Vancouver 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games. Canadians can also look for these special coins in their change.
Americans here on business have to go to the bank to get theirs.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Laugh Up Me 'Earties
Anyway, the show switched over to a show called Pirate Master. Obviously riding the wave of the Pirates popularity (pun intended), this show is Survivor meets Captain Jack, but it just doesn't work for me.

I thought it was a Canadian show, but it turns out to be produced by CBS. I don't see it listed back home in my area, but I wouldn't be putting it on Tivo either.
Check it out, but ye be warned, me matey. It may make ye go "Arrrgh!"
Oh, and there isn't a Redhead in case we wants one.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Tower of Terror?
This sign is courtesy of the Quality Inn, the better of two hotels in Woodstock, Ontario (Best Western is the other choice).
I have a history of getting stuck in elevators. Once in an American Express elevator, and the other at a Fairfield Inn in Columbia, SC. Fortunately for both occasions, I had my cell phone, I wasn't hungry and I had "Plan B" in case I had to tinkle. But ever since both instances, I have been cautious of vertical transportation.
This sign convinces me to take the stairs while staying at the "Quality" Inn, no matter how many floors.

And then when I get up to my room, I find I have a "space-age" washroom. None of that is porcelain. Nope. It's all grey plastic. The shower and bathtub were worse. And this is Quality?
Delays and More Delays
Sunday evening, there was a severe thunderstorm that came through Minneapolis at the same time I was about to board my flight. There was thunder, lightning and hail, and the sky was dark, but it cleared up in about 40 minutes. They delayed my flight three times, and that made me my connecting flight to Canada.
I had them look for flights through Toronto, London as well as Kitchener, and the earliest flight they could find for me is arriving in Canada tomorrow morning. I had to fly to Detroit Sunday night, as they did not have any available flights Monday morning. They had rerouted all the planes, so it was kind of eerie to see the airport without any planes at any of the jet ways.
That reminds me of the time when they canceled my flight out of Columbia, SC. I turned in my car, went to check in, and that’s when they announced they canceled the flight due to mechanical problems, and they would get us out the next morning.
Since I had to be in San Diego the next day for a Microsoft Convention, I asked to be rebooked on another airline. They said all the other airlines were full. So then I had to tell the person to look for flights out of Charleston, Greensville, or even Charleston, because I figured I could drive there to make a connecting flight. Finally, they found a flight for me out of Greensville, which was about 1 ½ hours away.
Rushing back to National Car Rental, where I had returned my car 30 minutes prior, I asked if I could get the same car back. No go. Not only did I have to rent a car for 2 hours, that car rental for 2 hours cost more than it did to rent the car for the entire week.
Amazing. You would think that we’d have a better way to travel. Would someone hurry up and make the Transporter please?
Click on the article, and read where it says that "normal operation" came back within the hour. But what about my 4 1/2 hour delay?

Thursday, July 5, 2007
Houston's Submerged in Water

Now that I've told on them, I should also tell you they do a fantastic job being a foster family for pets and volunteer a lot for the Animal Humane Society. To learn more, go to
Put Your 257-Foot-Tall Arm Down

Now after all these years, it has grown on me. This September, my parents and I are going to WDW, and it will be their first time back. And as it turns out, they are taking down the Wand and the words EPCOT.
Oh the irony.

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
4th of July Memories
But seeing the fireworks reminded me of all the fond memories I have as a kid with my family. My Mom and Dad would take my sister and me to parks, Disneyland, and even this cool firework show I had to see a couple of years in Long Beach, because they had special displays with Planet of the Apes and Star Wars themes. And we're talking the original shows here folks.
Some of my favorite shows either had themes like described above, or, as many of you will agree, to have moving music set to the show like at any Disney theme park. To this day, if I ever see a 4th of July display (or the 3rd of July for the parts for which I could stay awake), I always hear the Disney American Medley music in my head (for once the voices stop talking). It makes me say, "This is my country...God Bless America!"

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Tokyo Disneyland Hotel Sign
Be careful of the thick staff.

Monday, July 2, 2007
What Are Words For?
In case you're interested, the list I gave Jennifer is below.
French English
S'il vous plait If you please/please
De rien You’re welcome
Bonjour Good Day
Bonsoir Good Evening
Parle vous Anglais? Do you speak English?
Je m’appelle Jennifer My name is Hot Stuff
Pardon Excuse me
Je ne sais pas I do not understand
Je t’aime Say this to get free drinks
Ou est … Where is …
Toilet I think you know this one
Combien distance est pour... How far is it to...
C’est combien? How much is it?/How much does it cost?
Dutch English
Dag! Hello/Good bye
Tot ziens See you/Until next time
Goede morgen Good Morning
Goede dag Good Day
Spreekt u Engels? Do you speak English?
Hoeveel kost dit? How much does this cost?
Hoe ver is… How far is…
Dank u wel Thank you very much
Niets te danken Nothing to thank/You’re welcome
Mijn naam is Jennifer My name is Hot Stuff
Ik hou van jou Say this to get free drinks
Waar is…Where is…
Toilet I think you know this one
Queen's English How We've Slaughtered It
Right You know what I mean?
Trousers Pants
Pants Underwear
I say! No s#%t!
Hello, Luv Yo, Beeach!
And if you're in the city of York:
A street is a gate.
A gate is a bar.
A bar is a pub.

Saturday, June 30, 2007
Redeye Out of LAX
There was no one allowing First Class and Elite members through the "special" line, and after having a group of 18 Asians cut in front of me, I had it. So when the line finally opened for First Class, I got yelled at by the agent. I told her that no one was working that line. She checked my ID and ticket and allowed me to stand in that line.
Then we heard that the TSA only had two checkpoints open. Again, what were they thinking? So when an agent came up and told the TSA agent to allow NWA passengers up because our flight was close to boarding, she finally started letting people up, but that's when pandemonium broke loose. The lady let a rope down and now everyone was pushing their way forward.
Honestly, I don't mean this in any comical way, but I seriously can understand how people must have felt trying to get out of Saigon or towards lifeboats if a ship were sinking. I knew there were other flights if I missed this one, but the masses of people pushing on me was scary.
Finally I was allowed up, and at the top of the escalator, they asked if we were part of a group whose flight left before mine. I just said yes so that I could get through one of the security checkpoints.
As it turns out, I made it to my gate with 5 minutes to spare before they started boarding my flight. If I hadn't done what I did, I would have missed my flight. I even tolerated the two women behind me in First Class who talked and drank wine all night long.
And for my Dad, I told you that you are not supposed to joke around at airports anymore. See...

Thursday, June 28, 2007
Life Is A Highway
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
An Evening with Andreas Deja
Andreas was honored at the ASIFA-Hollywood is the Los Angeles chapter of The International Animated Film Society, and as part of the fund-raiser, autographed the giclee he created just for this event.
When I pre-ordered it, I asked if Andreas would write something in his native tongue, since I know a bit of German. They also asked which was my favorite character in that group, and I told them Scar.
Underneath Gaston, you can see the writing which translates loosely to "Scar is probably the worst of the worst. Greetings out of LA."
If you want to read more, this link will provide you with a well-written article.
And here's Andreas' sight, if you'd like to read it "auf Deutsche".
Vielen Dank, Andreas!
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Saves China, But Now Down on Her Luck
Poor dear. She saves China, gets immortalized in WDCC porcelain called 'slip' (my group of Disney collectibles friends would know that terminology), and then falls on hard times.
I couldn't even stomach going to in to see if they have Mushu on the menu.